My Year of the Life of Leisure

I left my job, left my apartment, sold most everything in that apartment and embarked on a year of travelling and leisure. I am working on writing a couple of books. This might be one of them... But then, my chief pursuit is leisure, so who knows exactly what will happen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Not so much

I am not so much the backpacker in these shoes. At least, not yet. I was reading a local fashion magazine, and one of the Fashion TV reporters was shown in a similar outfit to mine (albeit, more expensive duds). So, with the right clothes and my jean jacket (and no daypack), I just look rather stylish. Go me.

Though, when the shoes start dying and getting rather dirty, the Backpacker Look will be mine (much to my chagrin -- I count myself as a traveller, not a tourist/backpacker).

Someone I'm acquainted with in Seattle (from one of my dance classes) is flying to Argentina as I write this. We are going dancing and to dinner tomorrow night. He wants to go to a restaurant in what is probably the most expensive neighborhood in BA...prices can be upwards of $20USD for an entree, and drink prices are the same as in the US (remember the post about the Sapphire gin and tonic I had?). Maybe he will buy dinner...

W barely spoke to each other in class, but a mutual friend mentioned to me that he was going to Argentina [this conversation was before I left] and I chatted to the guy. I find it interesting that people you hardly know suddenly will make time for you (and vice versa) when a foreign locale is involved. Not interesting in a bad or good way, just interesting. He's only in BA for four days, and three of those days I will be in Iguazu (23 miles of waterfalls, and Brasil, here I come!!)

I found out he was coming on Tuesday evening, so this is rather sudden for me, and I must remember to be on time to his hotel tomorrow -- not on El Tiempo de Argentina.



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