Oh, the trials and tribulations of being on vacation...
After coming back from the consulate (lunch between), I fell in to bed, desperately needing a siesta. When I woke, I found a black ant, WITH WINGS, on my pillow -- right next to my head. So, I take the pillow outside and let it free. Then I find a few more. I do the same as with the first. THEN, I look at my wall, and notice an ant trail leading to the top of the painting above my bed. Folks, the entire top ledge of the painting was moving. There must have been 200-300 ants. What do I do? Freak out, run out of my room, shake out my hair repeatedly fearing that there is an ant in my hair (it was on the same pillow as my head, the first one I saw), get one of the owners. He came up with a can of Raid, and dispatched them all to death. He speaks little English, but does know how to say 'dangerous' (smelling the Raid fumes) and 'kill'. To 'kill', I responded 'mate´ mate´ mate´'. We laughed.
I can laugh about it now, but I was not pleased. There is not food in my room, and noone has a good theory as to why they were heading to the top of the painting.
Last night, I saw something resembling a silver fish on my wall. It quickly died.
This morning, I woke up before my alarm (I forgot to lower my bamboo window shade, to block the sun), and saw another silver fish-y thing crawling towards me. On. My. Bed.
Why. Please why. Why am I living in the insect room?? Noone else has anything like this happen. There is no food in my room, and I got rid of the Ricola lozenges weeks ago. Do ants like the smell of Skin So Soft???
Other than this, yesterday was fine.
Spanish class is coming along. I'm studying a little more (I've started to make flash cards for verbs and vocabulary), and that helps a great deal. I'm not big on studying a lot, here -- it is a vacation after all.
I want to try and get out of the siesta habit. I love siestas, but I end up more tired because I stay up later and then have to wake up at a specific time in the morning.
The sun came out for a bit yesterday, and I slapped on the sunscreen and enjoyed it (before the siesta). The sky, today, can't decide whether to let the sun shine (like this morning) or to hide the sun behind clouds (like right now). I'm off to take my clothes to the lavedera (I love having my laundry done for me -- for 60 cents) and then run some errands. Here's to hoping the sun is out again today.
Oh, the trials and tribulations of being on vacation...
At 10:32 AM,
DementedPhotographer said…
Were they ants or termites? Termites look like ants with wings and that might explain why they were going for the picture.
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