My Year of the Life of Leisure

I left my job, left my apartment, sold most everything in that apartment and embarked on a year of travelling and leisure. I am working on writing a couple of books. This might be one of them... But then, my chief pursuit is leisure, so who knows exactly what will happen.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Where is the sun?

Oh, it´s starting to peek out a little right now. Was just at lunch, reading a book and having my ´normale´ lunch in my preferred sandwicheria, only to witness a sudden onslaught of rain. Like is possible in Seattle, the rain stopped and the sun came out. It´s brighter than it has been in days, so here´s to hoping there is sun this weekend. My tan is fading... I know, I know. It´s lucky when a Seattleite has a tan this time of year. I´ve worked hard to get here.

Am still exhausted all the time -- no matter how much I sleep and how well I eat. Don´t know if this is because of the sadness/mild depression, or from the sore throat, or from my body just going on another phase of relaxing and releasing stress from pre-trip. In any case, after I finish watching the newest Red vs Blue episode (the lovely rvb guys have done several episodes this week, in honor of Halo 2).

For those of you who don´t know, I am not someone you would look at and think ¨wow, I bet she is a gamer.¨ I have my girly tendencies (just watch me shop in Lush), and I don´t sit in front of a computer all day long, to the exclusion of everything else. I have a button on my jean jacket that says ´Book Nerd´ (try explaining *that* to someone who doesn´t speak English as a native speaker, even if they speak English very well -- I have, and it´s not easy), and I´ve been told that I don´t look like a book nerd. These are people that do not realize that of the 20 or so boxes of belongings that I kept from my apartment, 8 or so are books. And I won´t even go into the number of books I gave away to friends/sold/gave to Goodwill. There were many dead trees in my apartment and three bookshelves were nowhere near enough for holding all the books. I need a room for a personal library.

I have my ticket for my trip to Iguazu. Now, I just have to find out about if I really need a visa or not for Brasil. It´s over $100 USD, and I´m only going to be in Brasil for a few hours... I wouldn´t mind going back to Brasil (a las playas), but still, $100 USD is pretty rich -- I can live for about 2-2.5 weeks on that.

Speaking of money, I may start doing a little freelance work for a friend of mine -- mostly writing. It doesn´t pay a great deal, but over time it can certainly add up to allow me to either return to Argentina at the end of my trip, or provide money to allow me more time to find a regular job [outside the US] towards the end of my trip. I am hesitant to do any work (after all, this is a vacation). However, I am serious when I say it is my preference to not return to the US and this would help enable me to do this. And besides, it would be an excellent excuse for my friends to travel internationally... :)


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