Not homesick, but missing home
To wit, I am not homesick.
Like I mentioned yesterday, I miss my friends and a few things about home. I talked to one of my two bestest friends today (!!!), and that was really nice. However, after not talking to each other for almost a month, it's hard to say everything within 30 minutes. It's just not anywhere near enough time. It's barely enough time to say 'hi, [xxx] is what is happening in my life' and 'how is [yyy] going in your life. and congrats on the new condo!'.
If I call home very much, I get homesick. So, sorry to those of you who know me and may feel slighted by not having a phone call. Aside from my mother, there are only three people I try and call now and then (because of the time difference, people are rarely answering their phones when I call) (and my mother has only heard from me once...).
I can't me gusta verbos reflexivos, but I can say that I can now use them properly. About freakin' time.
OK. The latest episode of Red vs Blue is nearly finished downloading. Time for me to indulge -- since I don't know anyone in Buenos Aires who has Halo 2. IWANNAPLAYIWANNAPLAYIWANNAPLAY!!!! I could use some quality time with automatic firearms...
Know anyone in Buenos Aires with an x-box? I'd even consider buying Halo 2 for them...seriously.
ps mood is improving.
At 8:27 PM,
DementedPhotographer said…
"I could use some quality time with automatic firearms..."
LOL. Now THERE's a statement you don't see every day! ;)
Seems to me that a part of your experience involves stepping away from the familiar (home, family, friends) and exploring new (to you) territory. Sure, you want to keep in touch, but anyone expecting you to call too often is asking too much.
At 12:19 AM,
Rachel Rutherford said…
I read that the newest Halo (a few weeks old) sold $124 million its first 24 hours of life. Wooohawwwwww!
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