Rainy weekend
Still. It rains in BA. Though, there was a little sun yesterday morning, and after slathering on sunblock, I revelled in it and took it in. More freckles are appearing on me.
Yesterday was a good day. Talked for nearly two hours with a friend back home. After a week of sorely missing my friends, it was luxurious (and generous of his time). It was like a big hug from afar. Today, will be calling my just-before-leaving roommate. She will probably get Bravado to sing for me, and my eyes will get all misty at missing her and the cats...
Also wrote a seven page (handwritten in a spiral notebook) outline of the first novel I am working on, yesterday. Was very good to do so, and am glad that I did because now I have something concrete to look at and work from. Starting a novel is such a big thing and I often feel lost as to where to start and how to proceed. After I get some lunch (after I finish this entry), will be going back to the residence to start the first chapter. The novel will be a modern version of The House of Mirth. THOM resonates very deeply with me, and it will be difficult to write it so that it is not overly autobiographical. Though, I once saw an interview with John Updike, or John Cheever, or another similar writer, and he said 'every year I start to write my autobiography. Then, I start lying about the events, and that's where my new novel comes from each year.' I am conflicted about rewriting a novel that is so personally resonant to me. However, I am confident that the story is still timely. It's just a matter of how much of my personal experience I invest into my novel. I have always shied away from using my personal experience as a major source for my own writing (I prefer, instead, to just make stories up from my imagination), because I don't feel I have the distance to write about my own life in a solid way. Also, if you're writing largely based on your own life, I call that an autobiography and not fiction. Though, any time someone writes something, part of them will always be revealed. While I deeply share myself with a few of my friends, and share myself in a way with you, the blog reader, I am rather wary of opening myself up deeply to a large audience that is unknown to me. What is the balance? I will discover it.
Oh, and finally went to see La Jugada (Croupier) on Friday night. Very nice. And that's not just a comment about being able to watch Clive Owen for a couple hours...
At 5:08 PM,
DementedPhotographer said…
Any time you create, you put a little of yourself into your creation. How much is up to you, but you never finish it quite the same as when you started. :)
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