My Year of the Life of Leisure

I left my job, left my apartment, sold most everything in that apartment and embarked on a year of travelling and leisure. I am working on writing a couple of books. This might be one of them... But then, my chief pursuit is leisure, so who knows exactly what will happen.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


The last 24 hours have been very good to me.

1. I have a date with Bachelor #3 for next Thursday;
2. I got the full-time (3-5 month) job (YAYY);
3. I ran into a friend I haven't seen in some 16-17 years, and we're going to meet up hopefully soon;
4. I spent the evening with a good friend;

All in all, a very nice 24 hours.

And tomorrow, I'm off for the weekend to spend the weekend with one of my best friends. That I'm taking a three-hour Greyhound trip to see her illustrates the veracity of our friendship. (I rather dislike American Greyhound.)

But, I'm still giddy from the last 24 hours. I'm rather looking forward to meeting Bachelor #3. We talk easily and laugh often.

So now, dear readers, I sign off. I will be without email until I return on Sunday evening sometime. Imagine!

Wish me luck in the dry heat of Yakima. It's supposed to be 100F tomorrow...



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