My Year of the Life of Leisure

I left my job, left my apartment, sold most everything in that apartment and embarked on a year of travelling and leisure. I am working on writing a couple of books. This might be one of them... But then, my chief pursuit is leisure, so who knows exactly what will happen.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Wheeeeeee...or wait, maybe not so excited

So, I have a job interview this afternoon and a job interview on Tuesday morning. Unless I have convulsions during the interviews, or behave in a Linda Blair-esque fashion, I'm 95% certain both of the jobs are mine.

Wheeeeeeee! I will have a paycheck soon.

Saaadddddddd! I will have to wake up on a schedule soon (and not because the dog wants food at 6am).

These are the very, very last days of leisure.

It's been a very good and very memorable (almost) year.


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