London, interrupted...but only temporarily
I've been taking pictures of all the closure signs on businesses. None of them actually say they are closed because of the "bombings", but because of the "incidents" of the day, or the "transportation difficulties", or something equally polite and oblique. I have about ten so far, and I hope to get some more before heading back to my hotel.
I didn't get a great deal of sleep last night (I was enjoying an evening alone...), and after walking for miles and miles today (I did a lot of walking after initially getting here), I'm rather exhausted and my ankle can't take much more.
I'm very interested to see how London is tomorrow. My sense is that as much as possible, everything will be at normal. Otherwise, obviously, the terrorists will have succeeded.
OK. Off to find a snack and then back to my hotel so I can climb the three narrow, semi-steep flights to my tiny room and watch tv that I can actually understand when the dialogue is rapid...
Again, Long Live London.
At 10:22 PM,
mo from ne said…
Have fun and be safe at the end of your journey. May your next adventure bring you happiness. Be good. Mo
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