However, I will not be going to the South Pacific region. I looked at my remaining finances, and realized I spent a little too much money travelling around, and shopping in, Argentina. Entonces, it was necessary to do a little adjustment of the itinerary.
I (very sadly) leave Argentina on Sunday. I will then spend a couple nights in Ft. Lauderdale (enjoy a little last sun while I can); hopefully stay a couple days with a friend in Brooklyn (will hear back tomorrow about if I can stay there -- there are house rules, after all). Then, I will head to London and proceed to spend 4-5 months in Europe.
I will force myself to follow a strict budget. Gone will be the days of 30 cent (USD) cokes; $10-15 USD Really Nice Dinners (w/wine) in Really Swank Palermo Restaurants and cheap taxi rides.
It will be cold. Though, I may just head towards Spain (and practice my Spanish) and chill in a warm-ish climate. I haven't yet finalized the Euro route. I'm also trying to coordinate London, or another point in Europe, with a friend living in London (he travels at least 2-3 weeks each month for his job).
I will need to get a couple sweaters. Where they fit in my backpack, I'm not sure. Though, it is pretty certain I will be mailing some books and things home when I get to the US. Helllllllo NY thrift shopping!
As always, there is a certain flexibility to what I will be doing and where I will be. However, unlike my time in Argentina, I will be moving about rather quickly. Until I find a place (pref. Portugal) that I want to spend a month and write and sit on the beach (after all, have to make up for not getting to beach-sit in Thailand and India), I do not intend on spending more than a week, or in most cases, 3-4 days, in any given place.
I'm looking forward to spending a little more time than originally planned in Europe. And with the money I save from not going to the SP region, it may allow me to return to Argentina at the end of my trip. Then, maybe I find a job teaching English here, and find a boy that emails me back...
Or maybe I find a teaching job in Budapest or Prague and brave the winter there. No sé.
Todo es possible.