A bag lighter, shoe news and marginally closer to a destination decision
It will be SO nice to be that one bag lighter. And I know that if I need anything, I'll just buy it. There isn't anything in the bag that I can't live without. Though, I will definitely miss some of it, but knowing that it's safe and fairly easily accessible is comforting.
This is the second time I've 'shed' clothes and stuff. I sent a package of clothes home from Glasgow. And it's worth mentioning that the lovely Reeboks I bought in Argentina are dead. A few of you may know, from emails or personal experience, that the smell in said Reeboks was, as my friend visiting me in London so subtly put it:
"A Weapon of Mass Destruction"
He suggested sending them to Iraq...
So, I washed the shoes in the washing machine in the flat, with extra powder and the hottest water possible. Dear readers, this wasn't the best idea: the fabric of the shoes SHRANK. Woe. I do have another pair of walking shoes (thank heavens!), so I'm ok there. But the Reeboks, oh-so-deadly-fragant Reeboks: they were so completely comfortable to wear. I could walk so much further, quicker and longer than in nearly any other pair of shoes I've owned in the last few years. RIP dear blue/grey Reeboks.
Tonight was meant to be my last night in London. However, there were timing difficulties between checking out of the current flat and being able to make it to the airport within an hour (you'll laugh if you've done this in London -- especially if you want to say goodbye to someone, and also if you have to switch tube lines). So, I will be spending an extra night in a London hostel (back to my normal travelling budget -- YAY!!!), and then flying out on Tuesday. Still haven't decided where exactly -- I'll be returning to the flat soon and I'll read the chapters on the potential candidates. The prices aren't that much different for Tuesday (how I wish it wasn't Easter week -- I could save almost 70 pounds if I was to fly a week from tomorrow. Though, I comfort myself that I am going to Eastern Europe, and living will, or I expect it to be, much cheaper there.
It's a bit strange, not to mention liberating or exciting, to not know where I will be in 48 hours.
At 5:35 PM,
DementedPhotographer said…
I wish I could be as comfortable not knowing where I'm going. I fear I've become obsessive with the matter.
At 6:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow! I'd love to be doing what ur doing! do u find it easy to get around? i mean not knowing customs and everyday type things? not in london so much, but in other places you've been to?
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