More hostel thieves
They also took four hours of lovely traveller's sleep.
Note to other hostelers, current or future:
1. if you come in late and other people are sleeping, quietly make your way in and around the room, and quickly settle in to your bed. DO NOT, body slam another's bunk, mess around with noisy plastic bags or talk to your friend...for 30 minutes.
2. if you wake up early because you have to check out, be quiet. Do not walk in and out of a room, with a door that slightly slams, many, many times. Do not use a hair dryer in the room. Do not noisily pack your bags (take them out of the room to do this, for everyone's sake). Do not (again) bodyslam another's bunk. Do not start making cell phone calls. Do no start talking at full volume to your friend. And most of all, do not take nearly two hours of someone else's sleep while doing all this.
Por favorrrrrrr.
Yes, I know staying in a hostel is a bit of a grab bag, but there must be basic courtesies observed. Right now, I think very poorly of Eastern Europeans. They may have been Russian.
I am now the only one left in the room. For how long, I don't know. In reality, probably just a few hours.
And so, vent is over.
The real question is, do I buy the lovely, grape-ish/violet, £4 wool sweater in the charity shop? It's quite lovely, but not necessarily the color I was thinking of.
But for £4...
At 9:52 AM,
Kari said…
Buy it as a momento of Scotland - the quality of the wool sweaters there are good.
As for the sleep 'thieves' at the hostel, I would like to think I would ask them politely to please be quiet, but in reality I would likely just silently fume while trying to sleep. You have my sympathy. At least it's very temporary.
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