And so it begins
Why am I taking this trip? Because I can. No pets, no plants, no boyfriend -- why not? Sure, I could lay down this cash for a condo or a house, but when I weighed home-ownership vs a year of travelling and adventure, well, it's obvious which one won. I've wanted to travel like this for-justabout-ever, and some fortuitous financial events occured, so here I am. I left my job of 5.5 years, left my apartment of 3 years, dispersed about 85-90% my belongings largely to Goodwill, buyers off craigslist and friends, and am currently living out of a suitcase and a couple boxes at a friend's house. It was very liberating to rid myself of so many things, and made me realize that I really *need* very little to survive.
It goes without saying that I am scared about this trip. Yes, I intend to come back (though, not necessarily to Seattle). Yes, I know this is only for a year (though, that year seems like a mighty long time right now). I'm giving up a lot of stability and heading off on what will be an amazing adventure. I'm very excited, but can't help being a little scared, too. Although, I figure once I'm past any jetlag, and have about three days of Argentina, I will be fine and only scared if I find myself at knife point, or led into a complicated an unknown tango move.
It's odd to not work and to know that I can go for a year or so without working. Gainful unemployment is a wholly new experience for me.
My First Official Day of Leisure included listing some books on ebay and A Lot of CSI. The Spike channel is doing a CSI marathon, and I'm quite taken with the show. Then again, I haven't actively watched tv in most of two years, so it's a bit of a field day to find a show that I actually enjoy. I'm also a bit more lazier than normal this week, as it's been nearly a year since I went on a vacation, and I really need some quiet downtime. My roommate is currently in Italy for a week, so it's just me and the cats, and it's luxuriously quiet when I want it to be, and luxuriously lazy.
At 11:54 AM, Just Me said…
Don't know if you'll see this comment now but New Zealand is GREAT. That's where I went for 7 glorious months. Reading your blog I could get itchy feet again!
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